another day, another blog post.
dear readers, i'm gonna talk about a particular type of situation one must always inevitably face, sooner or later, some more than others, the one we call Catch-22.
Catch-22 is certainly an odd name for one of life's happenings. i can't exactly explain why its termed as such, but i'll update this post once i know. =)
Alright, now, to
rant elaborate on Catch-22. What is Catch-22?
well, to simply put it, Catch-22 is a kind of decision/choice that u may have to make or call once in a while, like every other decision/choice. except that in Catch-22's situation, it's not a win-lose, it's a lose-lose.
anyone watched the trailer for the new jack neo movie? Just Follow Law, the one with fann wong and gurmit singh. listen to the indian security guard.
*indian accent*
"last time i never follow rule, kena scolding. now i follow, also kena scolding."
that, is Catch-22.
so what is it about Catch-22 that makes us tick?
well, imagine losing out in both situations regardless of the choice u make. frustrating isn't it?
when u have to make a choice or take a stand but knowing that in doing so, u've served yourself a plate of jialat on a sliver platter, regardless of what u've chosen.
Catch-22 is a part of everyday life, whether we choose to siam or not.
the choice of choosing to make your stand in an argument and stand up for your rights, knowing that u'd be in deeper shit, instead of biting your lip and accepting the shit being dishing out at u. u still get shit no matter which.
the choice of accepting a loss, to realise and regret, or chosing to be in denial and fight against the loss. it's still a loss.
or the choice to tell your partner the truth about something, knowing that the truth may hurt, but it's the truth, and that no matter how u put it or reassure, it will still hurt.. instead of pushing that thought away from your mind, lying and denying it, and have it gnaw at the back of your head until it reaches boiling point.
The choices we make in our lives, some of them may be clear-cut, some not.
Catch-22 always appears in our lives, whether we like it or not.
I hate Catch-22 situations.
but it's a part of life. what can we do but to hope to ourselves that we may make the better choice when we have to, and to make the best of it as possibly can.
Ken blogged on 9:59 PM