Yes, i do know that single-celled bacteria have already evolved to amphibians in the long absence of updating this blog..
its been real tough lately.. assignments due week after week since the end of the mid sem paper, and the internet wasnt helping either. thank goodness i signed up for the plan today. if not this blog can prob rot, (if it hasnt started alrd).. ha!
3 more days dear readers, 3 more days..
to what u ask?
3 more days till Geri comes for a visit! whee! miss my G vewy vewy much, and she's coming for a fortnight to visit! yay... tuesday so i'll be going to the airport at 6 to pick her up, looks like i'll have to skip the air pollution lect, but thats ok..
so i'm gonna cram and get this darn essay out of the way by mon night.
ta all!
be back real soon...
Ken blogged on 7:30 PM
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