Clearly, i was not meant to be at uni today. plenty of signs...
hmm, lemme see...
k, i got to uni at 1 today, handed in my assignment for politics and policy (FINALLY. be gone wretched subject.), then i decided to head over to the com lab to do my econs essay, more like start on it actually.
i found an empty terminal to use, so i sat down and got ready to start. everything was alright at first, then i glanced to my right. there was this asian girl, she was doing her work too, (essay with topics like microbiology, cheem man.) and she was yawning.
yawns are infectious. whenever i see someone yawn, i tend to yawn too. when i hear someone yawn over the phone, i yawn too. i'm even yawning even as i type now.
so, there we go.
becos i saw her yawn, i started yawning. like the infection it is, yawns got to her too. one after the other, we were yawning and yawning. u know how u tear sometimes cos ur tear ducts are stretched when u yawn? that happened a lot. ALOT. i was taking off my specs every 5 minutes to wipe away the water at the corners of my eyes before they rolled down and made me look like i'm crying trying to write my essay.
this, lasted for an hour.
a whole, freaking hour.
after that hour, she finished her stuff, and i was abt a third thru what i wanted to finish today.
the minute she stood up and left, i stopped yawning. yay! can concentrate!
ya think so?
right after she left, this other girl sat down. angmoh. shoulder length hair, quite chio. nvm, i turn back to my com and type.
then it hit me.
the girl on my right, despite how nice she looked, had a bit of a b.o. problem.
but not so bad, at least it didnt distract me as much as the yawning did.
half an hour later, she finished her own work and left.
think i can finally concentrate now?
think again.
along comes this hulk-sized woman, sits down on the com and stinks up the vincinity with the stench of cigarette smoke.
like, poof!
and when i was abt to comtemplate leaving, i looked at the time and saw that i missed the 4 oclock bus. sian.
so i continued my work till 420 then went out to catch the 430 bus.
430 bus late.
to make matters worse, there was a huge crowd. and there was this other girl. asian looking, short. walked past me and sat somewhere not near. not near, but her voice can hear.
how shall i describe? erm, hmm, how about... BIMBOTIC!
she was talking so animatedly to this skinny scrawny european fella with long hair, and no one could help but to hear what they were talking abt cos she was so damn loud, in her bimbotic tone.
turns out, she's from indonesia. but che got angmoh accent. american accent. STRONG accent, which by itself, wouldnt matter. but with a bimbotic tone, lagi jialat.
she was, like, talking...?
in a very, like, bimbotic tone...?
and, like, ending all her sentences with, like, a question mark...?
and it was, like, so irritating...?
that i couldnt, like, so wish i could sit so far away from them...?
finally, the bus came. all aboard..
i sat right at the end.
just as i was abt to close my eyes to take my regular bus nap, 2 pple came by. and sat next to me. NEXT TO ME. guess who.
not only did i miss my nap, i had to endure 20 FULL MINUTES OF BIMBOTIC talk. and the european fella was pretty irritating too.
conversation sample;
bimbo: "and i'm, like, so close to my sister...? we always hang out with other, and do stuff..? my younger brother used to be, like, close to my sister...? but then as we grew up, my sis and i, like, grew closer...? and my brother, he kinda like, grew weird...?"
himbo: "oh yeah! the odd one out!"
*me rolls eyes*
bimbo: and then, like, my brother...? he has this girlfriend...? i think she's, like, from china...? she always talks in this, like, high-pitched voice...? *mimics voice*"
himbo: "oh yeah! that's high!"
*me rolls eyes*
bimbo: and everytime, like, shen i talk to my brother on the phone...? whenever i ask how she is...? and he's like, oh why dun u ask her, and then he, like, puts her on the phone...? and she goes, like, oh hi!!!! in her, like, high-pitched voice...?
himbo: "oh yeah! like i'm right here!"
*me rolls eyes*
getting off the bus never felt like salvation before.
pls pls pls. dun let me be on the same bus journey as them ever again.
anyhoo, it's my 50th post since i started this blog! whee...
oh, and, coincidently, its the post where i write 50 things i know abt G... =)
1. She doesnt have a baby sister, a gag which she pulled off on me long long ago.
2. She likes Royce chocolate, the limited edition banana flavour most.
3. She treats her chouchou like a preciousssssss.
4. I know her ring size.
5. I know she's a general misandrist.
6. She definitely misses Brisbane.
7. She gets tired of conversations when guys talk army talk.
8. She's been telling me to style my hair for a long long time.
9. She conjured up new names for my doggies.
10. She enjoys a nice drink every now and then.
11. She likes martinis, esp lychee.
12. She also likes apple shots.
13. Although the occasional beer's alright too.
14. She hates crowded trains packed with apnns.
15. She stands up for me.
16. She knows i'll stand up for her.
17. She likes to say i like pink! which i kinda like, so yeah..
18. She likes most kungfu shows, esp those with Jackie Chan.
19. She likes to kungfu around after watching those shows.
20. She's sho shweet.
21. She abhors MCPS and scum.
22. She enjoys the occasional sappy love show (lake house).
23. She has a nickname only her godma can call her.
24. Gewi likes Katamari Damacy!
25. She likes attention, but not in an extreme way.
26. She loves retail therapy.
27. One of her best friend's Weewee!
28. She thinks all men generally look good in a military uniform, but again, that's where the army stuff stops.
29. She would like a new handphone, hahaha.
30, 31, 32, 33. She's caring, devoted to friends, enjoys their company and laughter!
34. She has the cosiest bedroom ever.
35. She prefers good old oldies compared to the loud blaring rap punk music.
36. Give her dairy products and welcome the wave of barf.
37. She likes to be snuggled and cuddled.
38. Sometimes, if she's in a giggly mood, saying "Laugh" to her will make her laugh.
39. She wants to punch LBS in the face and kick his nuts.
40. Say wrong stuff to her and u could be another LBS.
41. She does like to poke her friends' boobs. and laugh.
42. She loves and misses Rocky-road ice cream from Baskin Robbins.
43. Although she loves the waffles and that mango drink at Cartel.
44. She like being spaz occasionally with her cousin (dislocated writst, elbows and shoulders).
45. Topshop catches her eye quite constantly.
46. She likes a certain kind of flowers a lot, whose name escapes me BUT i WIll find out and remember.
47. She likes to witness Uncle Sam getting drunk (who doesn't? All, hands up).
48. Treat Gewi well and with respect, and she'll reciprocate. =)
49. I lub my Gewi's company a lot a lot a lot!
50. I lub my Gewi many many many many many many much!
Ken blogged on 6:11 PM
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Ken blogged on 11:45 AM
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Hey all...
just got back from a quick dinner with emu jay and carrie at satay club....
the food portions shrank AGAIN!!!
i'm hungry now...
anyhoo, gotta get back to physics... think i'll be sleeping late again tonight....
guys, see u tmr for the movie!!
in the meantime, dear readers, enjoy the music.
Ken blogged on 8:34 PM
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Haroooooo everybody!
Limpeh just got back from the BBQ at Guyatt park with the gang..
We had a great time there today..
started in the afternoon even!
i went there at 3, but carrie and co weren't there yet, so i tried calling.
no credit on phone.
kns, so zhun.
bopian. have to call those who use optus, then ask them to call carrie to call me..
managed to get a place at the electric bbq pits.. nice view, not to sunny, plenty of shade...

then after a while, tanvi and carrie arrived, followed by jay.. we cleaned up the place, while waiting for the others..

and here's jay and carrie posing as a japanese and taiwan couple..
and me picking off a tasty morsel of Jay a la Nipple

then james and gf, kuan and hiroko, emu and anthony arrived..
Anthony high on pepsi and coke. Wonderful. lol

there was chicken wings courtesy of James and gf, sambal prawns from Jay and Carrie (SHIOK! adding beer makes the stock more shiokadoos rite!), vegetarian sauceages and garlic bread from Tanvi, more garlic bread from Emu, bacon ham and eggs from Kuan and Hiroko, chicken skewers from me
and Anthony..
Kuan: Must... stuff... chicken wing number... 5 into mouth... 

So much food! didnt manage to finish all, so some dapowed home.. lol..
but not before taking a break and playing blackjack...
Is it a Japan public holiday or something? Hiroko and Aimi got so much luck!
lucky we were using 10cents as wagers...

last but not least, a group picture courtesy of some fella at the next bbq pit..

until next week guys!
Ken blogged on 8:22 PM
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Hey all.
How's u doing?
It's been a pretty alright week for me, no physics to worry about over the weekend, no immediate assignments due.. guess i had the time to watch a movie or 2 over the past few days to relax.. And, to give my recommendation to u of cos!
The Fountain
Heard of this show? It's pretty darn deep. and confusing. but nice....
well, not because of Hugh Jackman or Rachel Weisz, well, they are pretty good looking.. but cos of the story..
its spans 3 different eras.. 16th century Spain, Modern day America, and deep space in the 26th century, all the while, all 3 stories connected inexplicably by the main character in his 3 incarnations.. like, existing in all 3 realms at the same time. past affecting the future, future affecting the past.
oh, and also a certain life-sustaining tree which may be traced to origins in the Kabbalah's Sefirot Tree, the world-tree Yggdrasil, or maybe the Biblical Tree of Life. and the main character's quest to save something/someone/some country by searching got the tree.
awesome music score, deep, moving, powerful stuff.
graphics amazing, like whoa.
ever seen a nebula up close and from the inside?
nope, neither have i, but these people did a pretty darn good job in creating one..
next up, a rather popular cult classic of the 90's. but, since it was in the 90's, i think not many people have seen it. pity though. it's great stuff.. esp for quasi-religion and mythology freak like me.
ah well.
seen this b4?
It starred one of the best actors i ever known, Christopher Walken.
well, u most recently saw him as the nutty inventor fella who gave Adam Sandler the universal remote controller in "Click".
Was that an "Ahh..."?
well, i aint gonna spoil the story for u, pls pls PLS, if u ever see me, ask me to pass u a copy of the series (1 2 and 3), and watch it.
Well, in a jist, Christopher Walken stars, as Gabriel, the archangel, who seeks to regain favour in the Creator's eyes by ending a Second War he started pretty much eons ago after the 1st Rebellion by Mr Morningstar. Displeased that the Creator seemed to favour humans more than those who came before them, Gabriel wanted only to set in motion, a plan to "make it the way it was back then".
Ambiguous enough without spoiling the story huh?
1 introduces us to Gabriel, 2 shows his return and eventual fall, and 3 lets us see his redemption and ascension.
well, only if u're interested. lemme know..
on a sidenote, instead of buying grapes to overdose on this week, i bought fuji apples! mmmmmm. Apples. havent had them since i came back to bris.. and the ones i bought were fucking humongous. like, IN YOUR FACE WHAM! big... and sweet. and crunchy. yummy.
now, i really really hope that i didnt miss out on any announcement that last week's physics lab experiment required a report to be handed in this friday. it was a really really tedious one and looking back at the papers would make me go crazy again... ah well. i hope tmr's one will be much simpler and easier if he decides to make us do a report for it...
oh, my exam timetables are out! whee!
14, 15, 18th.
physics, econs, and health n hygiene.. but not in that order..
h n h one's an open book mcq test, i can handle the 120 questions..
physics.... i know i cant get super good marks for it, but i can at least get marks for workings for those questions i'm not confident in...
econs... sigh. econs. dreading it ever since i saw it on the course code... i hope i can get a 60+% mark for the essay so the final paper wont hurt that bad...
sigh. guess i'd better start on that essay this weekend..
till next time dear readers, i bid u farewell..
Ken blogged on 8:36 PM
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OK, i think i have slept enuff for the moment. Time to blog abt the events of last night! =D
First off, i got a lift from emu (whee!) so i didnt have to take a bus or walk to westend.. Anthony, limyiew and aimi were alrd in the car, and somehow or rather, one of the conversations lead to anthony touching my ear lobes..
after a few minutes on the road, we reached the mexican restaurant in westend.. tanvi and a few others were alrd there; joyce, judith, guen, isaac, tim.. the usual suspects were late (hurhurhurhur) but thats alright la, there was plenty of talking kok around.. then after a lil while, carrie and jay reached the place too.. i cant say whether i was lucky that i didnt continue the bet with carrie, i would have won 10 bucks and lost the 10 bucks later.. so... nah. hahahaha...
then when kuan and hiroko arrived, the gang's attendance was complete!

dinner was great!
i havent had mexican food in yonks, guess it was a nice change from everything else so far.. (although the burrito came back to haunt me for revenge at 6am this morning)
there was a bit of a mixup with the order, no thx to this muddle-headed waitress, but everything else was alright..
munch munch, talk kok talk kok...
and once everyone sorta finished their main course, we presented tanvi and a birthday ice-cream treat!

this was followed by a long speech that i recorded and placed on youtube, with some editing and extra stuff thrown in of cos..
and things went a lil twilight zone after that...

then the problem with the bill cos the waitress took an extra order...

after dinner, we siamed to this place called 'the forest' for coffee and........
birthday cake!!!

and here are some misc pics taken with the gang...

where's the pic of me and kuan? the one with me fondling his hand. i want that pic. its gay.last pic i took, Anthony doing african dance/stomach ache/masturbating monkey dance move
after that, the gang headed off to the casino in the city...
guen and issac headed back home, then joyce met her friend who fetched her back, then in the casino, kuan and hiroko went off to meet their other friends, limyiew wanted to catch the midnight bus home..
so, there was just me, tim, anthony, emu, tanvi, judith, carrie and jay..
once they all had enough of gambling, they decided to head to the dance zone of the casino. i dutifully carried out my role as bag and coat watcher, while the others danced their heads off, esp jay. the fella has smooth moves man. mostly funny, must smooth. lol
tim tried to feel me up from behind but a long hard nipple pinch dissuaded him further.
and i came out of the casino half deaf, sore throat, sleepy, thirsty, hungry.
and so we all went to hungry jacks for supper!
and talked more kok.
and after that, they all went off in the cars..
while i enjoyed a slow stroll back home in the quiet chill of the city.. kekeke
i concussed when i got home.
woke up at 6am with a godzilla of a stomach ache. guess that was the burrito saying hello...
oh! and as promised, here's the link to the video..
Happy Birthday Tanvi!
copy and paste into ur browser address.
Ken blogged on 11:31 AM
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tired, half deaf, half sore throat..
tanvi's bday was a nice one, but i'm too tired to blog abt it..
tmr tmr!
catcha all in 12 hours....
Ken blogged on 12:57 AM
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hmm, ok, i think its time i blogged abt last evening's events...
as planned, the group met at south bank cinemas to watch the 9pm screening of Spider-man 3. so, we all met at 630 to buy the tix, then proceeded to feed out hungry stomachs..
dinner.... wasnt too bad, quite filling actually.. kuan and hiroko joined us after a while, followed by carrie and jay.. well, after eating and talking kok, we headed to this coffee place for coffee... and talked more kok. credits to anthony for openly asking hiroko abt japan's sleazy side, and to kuan who mentioned the phrase "soiled girl underwear" so loudly and unknowingly in front of a couple with 2 kids.
it was soon time to queue up for drinks and for the movie seatings, so we all walked back to the cinema.. and somehow or rather, everyone met someone they knew at the queue, it was almost, and i quote jay, like a real-life friendster network. hurhur.
so, the main event of the evening.
Spider-man 3.
what can i say? sam raimi and avi arad did a wonderful job with this blockbuster.. this really proves, that listening to the fans, will definitely reap its rewards. and it was 2 years ago that sam was quoted saying that "Venom was for squares" in response as to whether the villian would be featured in the flick.
Well sam, Venom turned out to be quite the crowd pleaser didnt he?
alrighty, now for my analysis and review of the show..
Characters:Peter ParkerTobey Maguire once again returns as the titled hero, donning his red n blue costume for yet another action-packed sequel. Peter's character is explored more in this film, and despite the many different mood swings Peter goes through in this film, Tobey does his role well, making his role so believable that the whole movie felt so akin to the actual comics itself and made us believe in Peter Parker once again.
But, enough abt the actor. The real review here's abt Spider-man. Peter's life is once again in turmoil, torn between his relationship with MJ and his responsibility as New York's protector. While the 1st 2 shows only shows Spider-man sweeping in to save the day and catch the baddies, this movie gives us a glimpse into how his frewuent heroic acts actually cause a strain in his romantic life. He never gets enough time with MJ, is always unable to make time for her, and true to the comics, MJ's reactions showed her insecurities and loneliness.
Peter and MJ did eventually get married in the comics, and MJ grew to understand Peter's situation better and provided him with all the support any husband could ask for and more.
MJ did come close to breaking up with Peter several times in the past, but just as the ending of the movie showed, she and Peter gave each other second chances and turned things out for the better.
Spider-man's abilities are much better than his previous 2 movies, his usage of impact webbing, (the balls of web he shoots out) are a nod to the same technique used by his clone, Ben Reilly, in the comics. Just as Peter adopted the move in paper, so did Sam and Avi in this movie.
Spider-man's spatial awareness, or his spider-sense, is tuned to its peak in this show, as seen in his quicker reactions and adaptiveness in perilous situations, such as avoiding being run over by numerous cars on a street while fighting the Sandman at the same time.
However, the spider-sense in the comics was ineffective towards Venom, as the symbiotic suit grew accustomed to Peter's brainwaves and emitted a nullifying effect to cloak itself from him. Althought the movie didnt explain this, it was quite evident in the battles with Venom where the latter often suprised Spider-man and manges to sneak up on him every time.
As for the suit, although the black variant of regular Spider-man costume was used in the movies, the producers of the movie probably didnt want to use the design featured in the comics because it felt too minimalistic.
Here's a picture.

As u can see, the design is more sleek and badass, but could prove to be too little for a costume used in a movie. As a side note, even after he discarded the symbiote in the comics, Peter still kept a non-living version of the black suit for occasional use, as once again seen in the recent run of the Civil War storyline. More on that, later.
but back to Spider-man. It was unclear as to whether the symbiote suit provided Peter with any black webbing but it certainly did for Eddie. In the comics and old cartoons, Spiderman used web cartridges for his webbing, black webbing from the symbiote costume when he had it, and more recently, acquired the ability to produce organic webbing from his wrists much like the way in the movies.
As to the other changes in Spider-man in the comics, one can only hope that Sam and Avi do decide to follow the storylines and make the movie Spider-man more similar to the mainstream Spider-man in the comics.
Events include; dying and being reborn with more archnid-like powers, being taken under Anthony Stark aka Iron Man 's wing and given an armored costume, unmasking himself to the public.
I may have already spoiled so much of the storylines that maybe its too late to say, "Spoilers ahead, Warning."
but, ah well.
Mary Jane WatsonKirsten Dunst resumes her role as Peter Parker's main love interest, stepping up her role a bit, compared to the 1st 2 shows. Besides the usual screaming when being teh damsel in distress mode, Kirsten portrays a very accurate version of MJ, in her initial angst and quiet frustration at her inability to understand Peter and his double life fully.
MJ has always been Peter's rock whenever he needed support. She has gone all the way out for him, occasionally risking her life so that Peter could do his job as a superhero. In the comics, one good example was when, since the aftermath of the Civil War where Peter unmasked himself, she and aunt may were exposed to even more dangers than before. Once the world knew of Spider-man's identity, a bullseye is immediately drawn over his most beloveds as targets for his numerous enemies, as well, as the government, since he turned over to the other side in the Civil War. MJ was offered a chance by federal agents into having a new life by giving up Spider-man and aiding them in his capture. However, even when under pressure of such, she kept her faith in her husband and defiantly refused to let anyone harm Peter, even in risk of being captured or worse.
MJ and Peter's relationship, although tested and tried many time since the 1st movie, have shown to be progressing very well, and even though Peter didnt ask for her hand in marriage by the end of the show, it can be well assumed, that things will work out for the better once the 3rd sequel comes out, in, oh i dont know, 3-4 years?
Gwen StacyBryce Dallas Howard's role as Gwen Stacy in this movie, turned out to be quite a disappointment. Gwen was Peter's first love in the comics, not MJ as many would assume. She and Peter were more involved than portrayed in the movie. Her character was very akin to a regular random woman who Spider-man happened to save from imminent doom and so happened to harbor crush on the web-slinger afterwards.
I was really expecting Gwen to DIE in this movie, much like the way she died in the comics. A snap of the neck caused by severe whiplash from being yanked upwards during a long fall off a building in an ironical attempt to save her life by Spider-man. She was thrown off the building by the Green Goblin in the comics, but since she was the object of affection of Eddie Brock Jr aka Venom, a quick toss off the roof in order to get to Spider-man by Venom in this case would be a very tragic and interesting turn of events if done so in the movie. But, as this movie as always, a family-friendly one, Marvel has to tune down on senseless harm to sweet pretty girls and not kill the darn woman off when her time's up. Gwen Stacy fans, i'm sorry, but Mary "Go-get'em-tiger" Jane Watson beats her hand down.
Harry OsbornJames Franco played the emotionally tortured Harry well in this show, and even better than his whiny idiotic versions in the past 2 movies. While all Harry did was whine abt his father and make life-threatening rants at Spider-man, he actually went and did something abt it this time, all thanks to the Green Goblin formula he found in his father's secret lab at home.
The movie version of Green Goblin 2 was a rather radical change from the armored one used by his father in the 1st show. With no more PowerRanger villian look and a more sleeker looking hoverboard, James made bad look good in his debut role as a supervillian, albeit a rather short one.
Harry's torn emotions between his loyalty to his friends and his obligations to avenge his father often clash in him, with him resolving the matter finally, and deciding to help Peter in one of the most spectacular team-up battles of all in the marvel universe. Even the Fantastic Four's battle against Dr Doom in the movie was never this dynamic or adrenaline-inducing as Peter and Harry's tag team fight against Venom and Sandman.
Although Harry died in the comics just as he died in the movie, the movie death was more emotional and exciting. Harry died from eventual poisoning in his blood due to overusage of the green goblin formula, but his death scene in the movie, coupled with the amazing fight that ensued before that, proved to have a better impact.
SandmanFlint Marko, played by Thomas Haden Church, was true to his role as a tragic and unwilling villian, not driven by madness like his predeccesors in Spider-man 1 and 2, but by his need to save his daughter. His humanity, which seperated him from all the Spider-man movie villians so far, have shown a more 3-dimensional character that made us actually feel sorry for his situation, instead of putting on a lame mask and being merry about it.
The Sandman's powers in the movie was fully detailed, from the constant shifting of sand in his body, to the various physics that showed in the fights between him and Spider-man. Thanks to a bigger budget, Sam Raimi's team of graphic designers managed to successfully bring out Sandman's full potential.
VenomWhat can i say? The most highly anticipated villian of all in Spider-man movie history since his debut in the comics, Venom was brought out in his full glory and badassness in this film. With the eye appearance similar to that of the comics, as well as his elongated fangs and tongue, Venom was practically cheered for when he finally appeared in the movie.
Eddie's character as a cocky, overconfident photographer was in sync with his comic counterpart, and their eventual humiliation at the hands of Peter Parker and Spider-man were quite truthful to the comics.
However, Venom in the comics, apart form his extreme hatred towards Spider-man, was somewhat an anti-hero. He would perfom occasional acts of heroism, but in rather brutal and unorthodox methods, like a vigilante. The Venom in the movie, was short of being a sociopath.
But, all said and done, the fans got what they wanted, and the big bucks keep rolling in.
Other reviewsThe music and themes from the film were as good as the last 2, inspirational, moving and believable. The story theme of a mere student transformed in to a superhero and his eventual acceptance of his role in society, with his determination to protect the innocent, are all heard in the music. This a movie soundtrack that deserves recognition, and, would no doubt, be nominated again at some awards later this year.
The storylines were more engaging and exciting in this 3rd film, and as i said before, the best way to make the fans happy, is to listen to them. Just as they did for the upcoming Fantastic 4 sequel, next year's Iron Man, and DC's Batman Begins sequel, The Dark Knight, the fans have proven themselves worthy and essential to the recipe of a ground-breaking blockbuster movie.

Until next time Spider-man, swing away...
Ken blogged on 2:25 PM
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Just watched Spider-man 3..
will blog abt it tmr morning...
and call gewi.. =D
Ken blogged on 11:09 PM
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