ello there folks, had a happy new year?
its been some time since my last post, and i've yet to post my new year resolutions... i know sometimes we break or the rules a bit here n there, but all in all, i guess we all do try our bests to keep up with the resoluts..
1. Love my G more!
2. Save up. SAVE. MORE.
3. Get rid of the tummy
4. Wake up and attend every single lesson in uni this upcoming semester
5. Learn to cook better stuff, not just nice-tasting rojak
6. Get better grades.
7. Try not to ki siao so often
all that being said, I have been going ki siao too often recently.. most of the time at work, cos i'm in an isolated room away from human contact for 8 hours, with coughing next door and piles of files for company.. aha.
8. Try not to talk to meself so often.
the following is rather overdue..
1. Who eats more?
U say leh? Me tummy beeger.
2. Who said "I love you" first?
Me. me, the sappy sod.
3. Who is the morning person?
This depends on your perspective of "morning". If by "morning" u mean waking up earlier than G on days where we dun have other obligations, then its me. lol
4. Who sings better?
I can count on 1 hand the number of people who have heard me sing. G, on the otherhand,is in the choir.. so, of cos G sings better!
5. Who's older?
Me. By almost a month
6. Who's smarter?
Me in tecchie stuff and eccentricities, and G in money matters and econs
7. Who's temper is worst?
Oh ho ho ho.. Do i dare answer this question? I'm the sponge, mostly. until i burst (rarely, but still a possibility now and then)
8. Who does the laundry?
Me. me, me ,me. G follows around, thats ok.
9. Who does the dishes?
She said it. She cook, i clean. I cook, i clean. upset this balance and the dark side usurps all life as we know it.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
11. Who's feet are bigger?
She has longer toes, i have stubby toes, its a tie.
12. Whose hair is longer?
13. Who’s better with the computer?
Me, mostly. Photoshop and web languages, ask her.
14. Do you have pets?
3 malteses! Peipei, Miki, Whisky.
15. Who pays the bills?
We used to take turns back in Aussie. By bills, there's only the grocer's.
16. Who cooks dinner?
Usually her, but i do nice rojak once in a while
17. Who drives when you are together?
Her, cos she'll get her license 1st.
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
Me. unless food court then she offers to pay. lol
19. Who’s the most stubborn?
*looks at G's blog* what scissors paper stone? I give in most of the time
20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
Me, i have to. Look up to previous question. but G admits too..
21. Whose family do you see more?
We take turns.
22. Who named your pet?
Our dads for the respective doggles.
23. Who kissed who first?
Me. to her.
24. Who asked who out?
Me, to her.
26. Who’s more sensitive?
G G G G G G G.
but i'm a sappy sod too. watching Charlotte's Web makes my cry.
27. Who’s taller?
Me. unless G wears heels. *damn u heels!*
28. Who has more friends?
We share friends.
29. Who has more siblings?
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
I wear the pants la! and berms. and boxers.
Ken blogged on 11:41 PM
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well, at least it hasnt been 2 weeks of rotting..
temping at my mum's office now, doing filing and getting free papercuts.. guess it still beats rotting at home..
xmas was overall, a great time. except for the usual presence of freeloaders. piss off man..
u ever get the feeling u're being smothered sometimes? by accumulation of exhaustion and weariness and discomfort? how much can u take until u have to shout out loud to get a break? but then again, what happens after u shout? i'd say, after the shout, comes more trouble. what else to do, then?
Ken blogged on 9:25 PM
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Rejected again. By NEA this time.
26 days of rotting. i dun want to spend the next 81 days rotting as well.
Ken blogged on 11:39 AM
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Just when u think i'd update this blog with a wee bit of brightness in a new post, here i go again pouring cold water over every reader.
had another argument with G, this time over my priorities. namely, the com. just last week, we had a major argument, and we've only just begun to patch things up back to like the good times. then i have to go all over again and fuck it all up. this time, regarding the com. i'm not defending myself, i do know that i've been spending too much time staring at this damn screen.
not too soon after the talk ended, the self-proclaimed matriarch of the household decided to barge into my room unannounced as usual and came in to dunno wtf. evidently, the wtf this time round was to snatch my wallet and scrutinize the insides. what the fuck la. u dun see me blatantly opening ur handbag with its dunno what gold or shit inside. she then proceeded to interrogate me abt the significant lack of funds inside my wallet. like, piss off la. i dun tel u to do what with ur money esp since i know the stuff u waste on and the freeloaders that loaf off it, what the fuck gives u the right to push this all on me instead.
there are times in life where u either lie or just work your way around. when asked abt the lack of funds in my wallet, obviously i cant say to her face that, oh i used it up to get what and what, because obviously i want what i get for someone else to be appreciated and liked but also kept unknown from the matriarch for very obvious reasons. but no. she had to keep pressing and trying to account for the days that passed since she last opened my wallet blatantly and saw xx funds inside. fuck la. i was this close to blowing my top off. getting off the fone from 1 argument and almsot facing another one really made me so damn FUCKING frustrated.
and in both cases, i can do nothing in the meantime but keep my mouth shut. arguing with G wont help things, neither will letting it out on my mum. i'm always the one in the wrong. i know i'm in the wrong, most of the time, for the person i am. sure, i have faults. i'm sure i can find more faults in myself than any other person can find or admit that i have. but when stuff keeps crashing down like this, what u want me to do? burn my room? live off the streets? cut my kneecaps? slap myself until i bleed? cos sometimes when i'm frustrated, really really frustrated, such stuff flashes through my mind. and i'm angry at myself for allowing such thoughts, but they still do.
in my parents' eyes, i'll never be good enough. i'll always never be too fit enough, never healthy enough, never smart enough, never good enough for any damn fuck thing. sure, i get allowance, i get meals, i get a room. but all this fucking baggage that comes with it, not a single fucking redeeming factor. the day i become financially independent, i say fuck this, fuck you, up yours, fuck off.
obviously when i do get to that stage, all these frustrations and arguments would be moot or irrelevant by then cos the anger dies down. but it doesnt mean it can afford to pile on top of me like shit now.
kenneth ho, u are seriously fucked up. all your failings in life, all cos of your fucking inadequacy. everyone else is always doing better than you. you dont deserve a break at all.
i was never thanked enough for the stuff i do, just blamed and pointed a finger at, glared at, snided at, ridiculed at. what kind of person am i? do i even deserve the life i'm living?
i'm going to sleep. or rather, i'm turning in for the night. as to whether i'll sleep or tear myself to sleep, i dun know. i dun know how i'll feel in the morning, but i do know i feel like shit now.
Ken blogged on 12:33 AM
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Dear readers.
i'm back in sg for the summer hols already, since mid november. really sorry for the delay in updates. exams were kinda tough, and i'm glad to be rid of those courses. at least i have only 1 year more till i finish. then its back to the army for a month and half of i-dunno-what, then working life..
oh, talking abt working life. some of you may have known, i recently applied for an internship at Hyflux Sg. the initial feedback was rather positive, so i waited patiently for a reply. well, i got the reply this morning, and it basically drew "NO" on my forehead in big bold red letters. caps.
hell, straight away, i applied for another internship at the NEA. hope i get this one. i've learnt that some people are rather unreliable. if the lucky ones read this, know in thy heart that ur trustworthiness isnt what people expected to be.
been doing
some a lot of xmas shopping for my nephews and nieces, looks like i might as well rent a Santa costume for this xmas considering the size and amount of presents i have to lug to the dinner. wouldnt mind that actually..
now. those of u who know me, have known me to be a very unfit person. so, me and G have decided and saw to it that we start jogging to improve our fitness and stamina level. health reasons too. seems to work out pretty well so far, hope that keeps up.
talking about working out well, it has been pointed out to me that i've changed into a different person since i got back here, as compared to before i came back for the hols. evidently, this "me" sucks. i really do think so too. and no thanks to "me", i've ruined something dear and precious. everyone, anyone, if u see me being "me" when i'm around you, throw it in my face so i get the point across and realise my mistake. i'm doing my best to change too of cos, but if i slip up and let "me" happen, let me know.
as for those who have no idea who "me" is, maybe i'll tell you, maybe i wont. if i dont tell you, dun hold it against me. maybe i'm still ashamed of "me".
Ken blogged on 6:36 PM
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Update ppl, update.
the exams start next week, tuesday for my 1st paper, and yes, i a, still not confident for it. went to the griffith southbank campus today to get some notes from Jae and to study. not too bad actually, but the 10am sun was alrd so unbearable, i regretted waxing my hair.
I HATE MY HAIR! so damn thick, make my perspire like hell. nvm. reached uni, went to library, cooled down, started work.
until 330.
did quite a bit today, quite happy with my accomplishments.
me feeling hungry so i decided to go to the city to dapow lunch/tea/dinner
so, instead of walking back home via the shorter way, the QUT bridge, i walked all the way to the other bridge just so i would bein the city after crossing. the sun, wasnt that bad.
i thought, hmm, why not have oporto chicken? ok, wintergarden have a stall. oh wait, no money. so had to go to myer to use the atm.
and that was just about when the escalator ate my slipper.
yes, the escalator ate my slipper.
dont believe?
see? kena eaten. jia. makan. FUCK.
i was taking the escalator up to the 2nd floor to get to the atm. and just when i was about to alight from the escalator at its pinnacle, i felt a huge tug and was thrown off balance forward.
the tip of my fricking crocs got caught in the fricking teeth of the escalator.
and got stuck. so i pressed the emergency stop button and started yanking like crazy, pulling THE BOTTOM HALF OF THE SLIPPER. ok, that wasnt too bad.
until this well-intentioned woman, stopped by to say "Here! lemme help u." and she yanked my slipper AT THE STRAP.
see the difference?
my strap snapped instantly.
well-intentioned, yes. but still. sigh.
ya know, at the instant she reached for the strap, time went real slow-mo. my mouth silently opened in a NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO expression and my eyes went as big as 0.0
and she was smiling and having the "oh dun worry" look on her face.
then piak.
damn dulan alrd. and there was no way to reverse the damn escalator direction. so i yanked (this time harder cos i sibeh dulan) and tore away the rest of the slipper not eaten. and then i had to walk, 1 foot on slipper and the other on floor, to the information counter on the next level to inform security abt the esclator.
so. talked to the info counter lady, she radioed security, they fixed the escalator, and they came back up to debrief me. asked if my foot was injured (nope), took down my address, fone number, details, price of slippers, they took a pic of the slippers, then they reassured me that they'll get back to me abt this. then i borrowed sone tape from the counter to tape the strap.
now, at this point in time, because i was so frustrated and kanchiong when my slipper got stuck, i was sweating. hmm, more like my forehead was sweating angrily.
and no thanks to that lady who pulled the strap, even as i taped it back, it was not elongated and the slipper felt 3 sizes too big. so i trudged back to the 2nd floor, got the damn money from the atm, then walked to wintergarden. on the way back, the tape wore off.
trudged back to the myer basement to the cobbler and got the strap superglued and taped.
got back home, fuckign aircon not working again. blowing warm air. i really dulan until numb alrd. went to shower, and the shower decided to gush out really hot water in mid shower for 2 seconds, when so coincidentally, was when i was under the showerhead.
got out, ate lunch, and the chicken was so gucking spicy there was chilli oil at the base of the plate.
now my head on fire, and my stomach on fire. tonight my asshole on fire.
dun feel like studying for the rest of the day alrd. fuck.
Ken blogged on 3:39 PM
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Hello all!
i know, it's been a while, AGAIN
whats up?
oh nothing much.. i had a rather enjoyable birthday dinner with the sg gang, had dinner at singapura! nice food, the hainanese chicken was rather authentic tasting, so was the rest of the food we ordered.. and the gang even got me a tiramisu (correct spelling?) cake! too bad the pics are scattered in kuan's cam and aimi's cam. note to self, get pics before aimi goes back to japan.
i've finally got a couple of assignments off my back so far, and i've gotten results back from the previous ones. i did ok i guess, for a couple of subjects i wasnt that keen on taking in the 1st place this sem. ah well. 2nd note to self, dun get electives u end up disliking (again).
summer's almost here and the heat is on. literally. afternoons are killers, but early mornings and evenings arent too bad, at least they're chilly. in the late mornings and afternoons, the houseflies come out to fricking roam man. wanna fricking catch all the damn houseflies, put them in a big giant bag, then throw the darn thing into the ocean tied to a concrete block. drown dammit. drown.....
anyhoo. my self-imposed break ends tmr, then i'll start cracking on the last assignment for this sem (damn you ecological report!)and can finally get my ass on studying for exams.
ah well.
Ken blogged on 9:43 PM
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the best thing this sem happened within the timeframe of this and the previous blog post..
G came to visit, and it was the best 2 weeks of my life.
hugging and being hugged,
snuggling and being snuggled,
loving and being loved
those 2 weeks really picked me up from the stress from this semester.. and i'm grateful to G for taking the effort to save up for this trip..
i have a really wonderful gurlfriend. =)
sucks to be those who arent me. nyeh heh.
semester 2s are such a drag.
the hols are late, and the exams are fricking waiting with a knife around the corner just waiting to stab you in the armpit..
(pls note, the armpits are one of the most effective pain-inducing areas of the body that cause lingering pains. Other than stabbing the armpit with any sharp object, similar methods include pinching with all your might on someone's underarm fats, pulling hard on rib-cage fats and knuckling the kidneys)
i got to host a dinner at my place today, tried my hand at cooking dinner for 5 people. met alex in the morning today for coffee after his lecture, then went groceries subsequently.. started cooking at 6, but luckily the others were a tad late.. it was really unexpectedly tiring. the preparation, the constant vigilance.
Guys, i know i kinda had a bleak expression on my face jsut now during dinner, i'm really really sorry.. i didnt have the energy left to do things with my usual gusto and vivacy, i wasnt even as hungry as i was before cooking..
but thanks to all of u, those who came, and it's alright to those who couldnt turn up, its ok.. see u tmr night yeah?
i'm just so exhausted..
tmr will be better..
oh look. i just turned 22. =)
Ken blogged on 10:02 PM
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Yes, i do know that single-celled bacteria have already evolved to amphibians in the long absence of updating this blog..
its been real tough lately.. assignments due week after week since the end of the mid sem paper, and the internet wasnt helping either. thank goodness i signed up for the plan today. if not this blog can prob rot, (if it hasnt started alrd).. ha!
3 more days dear readers, 3 more days..
to what u ask?
3 more days till Geri comes for a visit! whee! miss my G vewy vewy much, and she's coming for a fortnight to visit! yay... tuesday so i'll be going to the airport at 6 to pick her up, looks like i'll have to skip the air pollution lect, but thats ok..
so i'm gonna cram and get this darn essay out of the way by mon night.
ta all!
be back real soon...
Ken blogged on 7:30 PM
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Kuan's Bday Party!!!!
and FUCK!!!! he has all the fotos....
well, all in all, we had a good time.. good food, good beer, good company...
we had leftover chicken, distributed to the group that remained behind after the celebration, but the beer was all stolen. MUTHAFUCKING LOWCLASS FUCKERS OF UNILODGE, U BETTER NOT LET ME FIND OUT WHO U ARE. 15 CANS OF BEER U CAN JUST BLOODY HELL TAKE AWAY.
anyhoo, met some of kuan's other friends, nice bunch..
meeting the gang again next week for riverfest celebration..
i'll update once kuan sends me the pics! =)
Ken blogged on 9:53 PM
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Unilodge is finally changing its internet providor away from E-cable! yay!
Cheers to Allegro, and the 1 month of free internet that begins today. kekeke.
and at 2Mbps too.
Ken blogged on 3:09 PM
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i finally get to be a Simpson...
Kenneth Simpson! doh.
Ken blogged on 2:21 PM
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Hey all.
I managed to sort out and consolidate all the pics i had taken since i got back from sg..
A few events, an outing or two, here we go!
Potluck at Anthony's place(Potluck all provided by them, and place referring to his temp home at Glenn n Ron's place) on the night i got back a few pictures of Tanvi's makeshift Graduation Ceremony, as u can see, still plenty of goofing around.. Not that we're complaining.. hahaand coffee later at Milton's La Dolce Vitamy darling kuan finally joined us after worksomeone is almost half asleep alrd, thx j n carrie for fetching me from the airport in the wee hours of the morning!And now, the korean bbq dinner at Tim's place on tuesdayJ n his "i am tanvi" song. something about diet pepsi n chapoleand our fateful blackjack game with drawings on faces at stakesThe Spanish Inquisitor, El Carrie GonzalezJay Woombartoombar, Long lost Maori Tribesman who now sells Car GPS units, look at how pissed off he is at the low sales rateAnd Tanvi, the zao cai maoIt just keeps getting better n better.James abusing Aime, tsktsktsk......who in the end, had his own face drawn on too.Tim, the one with the shooting star on his faceAnd the ever-angry Jay, whose only markings are the good looking onesDraw, and you shall be drawnJames is still alive, i hopeAnd after our ambush on Emu, Anthony n Hiroko when they came backBoy ah, dun sit too close to the tv ah.."...and i'm like, dun go there girlfriend"And finally, dessert with Kuan, James and Aime at Freestlye cafe at god-knows-where.
Kuan and my 's ice mochas. la dolce vita, beat that.Kuan's berry icecream sundae. Vanilla ice cream, berry sorbet, berries, marshmellows, and 1 muthafricking huge chocolate.James' cheesecake dish with ice cream, berries and this biscotti thingy that was so so good..My Rum n Raisin, Bread n Butter pudding, with vanilla ice creamAime's White chocolate cake dessert with ice cream n stollerberries.That, was super filling, even for a dessert.
So we proceeded to have a few rounds of table tennis at kuan's place after that. ha!
Ken blogged on 12:30 PM
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